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Welcome to the Yearn SDK documentation.

Yearn namespace

Yearn is a wrapper for all the services and interfaces of the SDK.



SDK is divided in services representing the different data sources for yearn products and the access method used to read / write from them.

  • LensService: provides access to yearn's assets and user position.

-→ RegistryV2Adapter: adapter of V2 vaults.

Peer dependencies

SDK requires several dependencies from the ethers.js project.





Type aliases


Type aliases

Address: string

Type alias for an address type.

Addressable: { address: Address }

Type for anything that has an address property.

Type declaration

AliasMap<T>: TypedMap<T, Alias>

Type parameters

ApyMap<T>: TypedMap<T, Apy | undefined>

Type parameters

Asset<T>: AssetStatic<T> & AssetDynamic<T> & { typeId: T }

Union of both AssetStatic and AssetDynamic parts.


{ typeId: T } is included in the union to make Metadata[T] work.

Type parameters

BalancesMap<T>: TypedMap<T, Balance[]>

Type parameters

ChainId: keyof typeof Chains
DepositOptions: ZapOptions
Gauge: Asset<"GAUGE">
GaugeDynamic: AssetDynamic<"GAUGE">
GaugeStatic: AssetStatic<"GAUGE">
GenericAsset: Asset<"VAULT_V1"> | Asset<"VAULT_V2"> | Asset<"VOTING_ESCROW"> | Asset<"GAUGE">

Possible assets that lens can return.

Icon: string | undefined

An URL pointing to an image/png file.

IconMap<T>: TypedMap<T, Icon>

Type parameters

Integer: string

Type alias for a stringified big number. SDK tries to be bignumber-lib agnostic so integer values are returned as strings.

Locale: "de" | "el" | "en" | "es" | "fr" | "hi" | "id" | "ja" | "pt" | "ru" | "tr" | "vi" | "zh"

Accepted locales.

Localization: Partial<Record<Locale, LocalizedProperties>>
Metadata: { GAUGE: GaugeMetadata; VAULT_V1: VaultMetadata; VAULT_V2: VaultMetadata; VOTING_ESCROW: VotingEscrowMetadata }

Key Value representation of metadata names and types. Used mainly to provide correct type-guards for asset types.

Type declaration

Milliseconds: number
Seconds: number

Time aliases

TokenDataSource: "vaults" | "zapper" | "portals" | "labs" | "sdk" | "votingEscrows" | "gauges"
TypeId: keyof Metadata

Union type of all the existing Metadata types.

TypedMap<K, V>: { [ key in K]: V }

Utility type to describe a map of predefined keys with the same value.

Type parameters

  • K: string | number | symbol

  • V

Unit: string

Utility type to help distinguish Integers that represents an already normalized value with the corresponding decimals from their Integer form.

Usdc: string

Utility type to help distinguish Integers that represent a USDC (6 dec) value.

Vault: VaultV1 | VaultV2
VaultV1: Asset<"VAULT_V1">
VaultV1Dynamic: AssetDynamic<"VAULT_V1">
VaultV1Static: AssetStatic<"VAULT_V1">
VaultV2: Asset<"VAULT_V2">
VaultV2Dynamic: AssetDynamic<"VAULT_V2">
VaultV2Static: AssetStatic<"VAULT_V2">
VotingEscrow: Asset<"VOTING_ESCROW">
VotingEscrowDynamic: AssetDynamic<"VOTING_ESCROW">
VotingEscrowStatic: AssetStatic<"VOTING_ESCROW">
VotingEscrowTransactionType: "LOCK" | "ADD" | "EXTEND"
Weeks: number
WriteTransactionResult<P>: Promise<P extends WillPopulate ? PopulatedTransaction : TransactionResponse>

Result to use on transactions with write contract functionality

Type parameters

  • P

ZapInWith: keyof Token["supported"]
ZapOutWith: keyof Token["supported"]
ZappableVault: { address: Address; decimals: Integer; metadata: { pricePerShare: Integer; zapInWith?: string; zapOutWith?: string }; token: Address } & PartialDeep<Vault>


  • getZapInDetails(__namedParameters: ZapInArgs): ZapInDetails
  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: ZapInArgs

    Returns ZapInDetails

  • getZapOutDetails(__namedParameters: ZapOutArgs): ZapOutDetails
  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: ZapOutArgs

    Returns ZapOutDetails

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